Clery Geography
The Clery Act requires institutions to disclose statistics for Clery reportable crimes, such as those previous mentioned, based on where the crimes occurred. For a crime to be reportable under the Clery Act, it had to occur in one of the below geographical locations. If you are unsure if a crime reported to you took place within Clery specific geography, report it to the Clery Compliance Analyst who will make the final determination.
- On Campus
Buildings or property owned or controlled by UCF within one mile and is used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, UCF’s educational purposes. This includes the University of Central Florida’s main campus as well as all separate campuses. On campus residence halls, buildings, and classrooms, as well as food and retail vendors operating on campus are included. Campus student residential facilities is a subset of the on-campus category.
- On Campus Residential Facilities
A subset of the on-campus category. This would include any student housing owned or controlled by UCF within one mile of a campus location.
- Non-Campus
Any building or property owned or controlled by UCF that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, UCF’s educational purposes, is frequently used by students, and is more than one mile from campus. Non-Campus locations also include any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization officially recognized by UCF. Examples include off campus Greek housing, study abroad locations, or athletic practice facilities.
- Public Property
Refers to public locations within or immediately adjacent to the campus.