Bike and Property Registration
Students may register their personal property online with the UCF Police Department. Items such as computers, bikes, skateboards, cameras and other valuables can be entered. Why would you want to do this? Theft is the number one crime that affects college students across America. Don’t think it can’t happen to you! If you report theft of your property and you don’t have the information that law enforcement needs to help you, the odds of getting your property back diminish. If you use the online property registration program, it creates a record of your property and its serial number, making it easier to return your items to you if they are found. If your property is stolen, the police can enter the serial number into the national and state databases for stolen property. All law enforcement agencies are now able to retrieve the information so that stolen item may be recovered and returned to you. This program is available 24 hours a day through out the year and just takes minutes to do. For further information about Property Registration Program, contact Community Partnerships at 407-823-3224.
Over two million bicycles are stolen every year – or one bike every 30 seconds. While stolen bicycles are frequently recovered by law enforcement, it’s often hard to identify the bike’s rightful owner.
The UCF Police Department has partnered with Protech DNA to use their technology to help protect the property of our students, faculty and staff.

DNA labels
This high-tech label is placed on the property and has a unique personal Identification number (PIN) that links the property to its actual owner.

Microscopic Dots
Property DNA labels have microscopic dots embedded into the adhesive and each dot is etched with a PIN. If a label is removed from the property, the adhesive remains on the property. allowing law enforcement to easily returns the property to its owner if its recovered after being lost or stolen.
Download the free property registration app.

Why should you register your property with the UCF Police Department?
- Theft is the number one crime on college campuses. By registering your property, you are creating a deterrent to criminals, while also allowing law enforcement to return your items to your is they are recovered after being lost or stolen.
- When you register your property, law enforcement from around the country can identify you as the owner. It can also be notify police if the property is stolen and sold to a pawn shop or to second-hand dealers.
Registration Bonus
UCF students that register their property will receive a FREE DNA for Property kit.
DNA for Property kits include a packet of special adhesive gel, which has over 3,500 microscopic dots. Each dot is etched with a unique PIN that is registered to the user’s account.
Each DNA for Property kit includes 50-75 applications. Just swab the DNA adhesive gel on the property of your choice and enter its description into your inventory account.
The DNA adhesive can also be applied to other specific locations on your property to help law enforcement determine ownership.