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A bomb threat involves threatening to detonate an explosive device with the intent to cause injury, death, or property damage, whether or not a device actually exists. Bomb threats may be communicated verbally or non-verbally, and indicate that a bomb has been or will be placed somewhere to cause harm.

If you receive a bomb threat by phone

  • Dial 911 as soon as possible
  • Write down the caller’s exact words
  • Note the time of the call
  • Gather as much information as possible from the caller
  • Decide to lockdown, shelter-in-place, or evacuate based on the threat description

If you receive a written bomb threat

  • Dial 911 and provide as much information as possible to the dispatcher
  • Visually scan classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and evacuation locations for suspicious objects or devices
  • Decide to lockdown, shelter-in-place, or evacuate based on the threat description