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Emergency Preparedness

Hurricane preparedness

The annual Atlantic Hurricane Season runs June 1 through November 30. Central Florida experiences its share of severe weather, and the state’s unique shape and location often puts us in the direct path of a hurricane. We encourage all Knights to have their own personal plan prepared, but we know many of our students may not be familiar with how to prepare for hurricanes.

That’s why we’ve created a helpful webpage with information on what you can do to weather the storm and how UCF prepares for severe weather. In the event of an active storm, updates will be via UCF Alert, on social media, and here:

Here are a few more suggestions to help you stay prepared for severe weather:

Tropical Weather Report Listserv

To subscribe to the Tropical Weather Report listserv at UCF, please send an email to with “subscribe oem-notice” in the body of the message (subject line is irrelevant and can be left blank).  The message should be sent from the email address that you want to subscribe.

To unsubscribe send email to with “signoff oem-notice” in the body of the message (subject line is irrelevant and can be left blank).  The message should be sent from the email address that you want to subscribe.